Non Government Organisations
in Papua New Guinea |
(PNG international phone code is +675, Time is GMT +10)
A ~ B ~ C ~ D ~ E ~ F ~ G ~ H ~ I ~ J ~ K ~ L ~ M ~ N ~ O ~ P ~ Q ~ R ~ S ~ T ~ U ~ V ~ W ~ X ~ Y ~ Z
NGO confirmed with website | NGO confirmed | NGO unconfirmed |
Last updated July 2009
Updates or inclusions please contact the Webmaster
Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) PO Box 3206, Lae, Morobe Province |
Believing that every person is infinitely valuable, ADRA of Papua New Guinea works with people regardless of any ethnic, political, racial or religious association to relieve human suffering, empowering both individuals and communities to develop their full potential. |
Technology & Community Development Institute (ATCDI) PMB, University of Technology, Lae, Morobe Province |
Provides technical information & assistance to rural communities, and to research & develop new technologies that are appropriate for the PNG environment. Whilst not providing financial assistance, in some instances ATCDI work with communities to assist with the application for funding from donor agencies. |
Stop AIDS PNG PO Box 6491, Boroko National Capital District Tel: 325 1855 Fax: 325 1103 |
Anglicare Stop AIDS PNG offers counselling services to victims of family violence and HIV/AIDS, conducts awareness on the sam through visiting secondary schools, settlements and village communities. They also provide training for peer educators. |
Inc. PO Box 660, Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province |
is a Goroka-based NGO which works with communities, other NGOs,
and the provincial government in the Eastern Highlands Province of
Papua New Guinea. Its mission is to enable rural people to develop and use skills and technologies that give them more control over their lives and which contribute to the sustainable development of their communities. |
Enterprise Support Team Inc (BEST Inc) PO Box 726, Madang, Madang Province Tel: 852 2040 Fax: 852 1195 |
BEST Inc works with rural groups who want to strengthen their community through business and community development. |
and Professional Women's Association PO Box 276, Boroko National Capital District Tel: 325 3166 Fax 325 4439 Email: |
Papua New Guinea PO Box 671, Gordons National Capital District Tel: 323 2544 Fax: 323 2562 Email: |
ChildFund PNG works in partnership with children and their communities to provide practical support such as life saving health care, clean water, and the chance to go to school. By empowering people to voice their need and supporting them to address the issues that affect their daily lives - ChildFund PNG supports long term, sustainable community development |
Energy Solutions (CES) PO Box 1145, Goroka, District Daulo, Eastern Highlands Province Tel: 7282 6105 Fax: 475 7667 |
Profile Consultancy and Training in Renewable Energy - Pico/Micro Hydro Power, Solar PV Systems, Water Pumping |
International PNG Conservation
in 1987, and present in Melanesia since 1991, Conservation
International (CI) believes that the Earth's natural heritage must
be maintained if future generations are to thrive spiritually,
culturally, and economically. CI's mission is to conserve the Earth's living heritage, our global diversity, and to demonstrate that human societies are able to live harmoniously with nature. |
Resource Centre / UNDP PO Box 165, Waigani, National Capital District Tel: 325 4900 Fax: 325 9192 Email: |
Biological resources conservation |
Women's Association (CWA) PO Box 154, Madang Madang Province Tel: 852 2216 Fax: 852 2506 |
CWA Madang offers financial assistance to organisations that need assistance to implement projects within the communities in Madang. |
CUSO-VSO PO Box 180, Madang, Madang Province Tel: 852 3335 Fax: 852 3336 E-mail: |
CUSO-VSO is a non-profit development agency that works through volunteers. They are a member of the VSO International federation. |
New Britain Council of Women PO Box 713, Rabaul, East New Britain Province Tel: 982 8853 |
New Britain Sosel Eksen Komiti (ENBSEK) PO Box 780, Kokopo East New Britain Province Tel: 982 9279 Fax: 982 9301 Email: |
ENBSEK provides basic counselling services to victims of family and sexual violence, conduct awareness on above and referrals to Police (SOS), Courts and Welfare Divisions. It has a crisis centre providing refuge for victims and also encourages gender participation. It conducts basic training on counselling, family laws and family life. |
Sepik Council of Women (ESCOW) PO Box 75, Wewak, East Sepik Province Tel: 856 2025 Fax: 856 2131 E-mail: E-mail: |
Dedicated to promoting the grass roots development through the strengthening of Women, their organisation, their families and their communities. |
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Sepik Local Environment Foundation PO Box 1225, Wewak, East Sepik Province Tel: 856 1171 Fax: 856 2071 |
Eco-Forestry Forum PO Box 3217, Boroko, National Capital District |
The PNG Eco-Forestry Forum is a not-for-profit incorporated association formed in 1999 with the goal of promoting integrated rural community development and sustainable resource use through a viable and sustainable eco-forestry industry |
Association of PNG PO Box 2750, Boroko, National Capital District Tel: 323 0699 Fax: 323 0397 |
Coalition for Socio Economic Education Development Services
(ECOSEEDS) PO Box 256, Daru, Western Province Tel: 645 9285 Fax: 645 9285 |
Health & Rural Improvement Program PO Box 35, Tari, Southern Highlands Province Tel: 540 8088, 540 8028 Fax: 540 8028 E-mail: |
Planning Ass. Inc. PO Box 7123, Boroko, National Capital District Tel: 325 5100 |
Voice Inc. PO Box 1641, Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province Tel: 532 3084 Fax:532 2737 E-mail: |
To promote healthy and supportive family relations, develop awareness of family members rights and responsibilities and respond to family issues related to sexual violence. |
for Rural Development (FORD) PO Box 719, Mt Hagen, Western Highlands Province Tel: 542 3524 Fax: 542 1815 E-mail: E-mail: |
Empower people through appropriate socio economic programs that enhance improved quality of life in rural areas |
for Peoples and Community Development (FPCD) PO Box 1119, Boroko, National Capital District |
To support Papua New Guineans to develope and manage their own forest resources towards environmental, economic and social benefits |
Produce Development Corp (FPDC) PO Box 1290, Mt. Hagen, Western Highlands Province Tel: 542 2242 Fax: 542 1462 E-mail: |
Womens' Desk PO Box 703, Rabaul, East New Britain Province Tel: 982 8647 Fax: 982 8647 |
Development Service (ded) PO Box 1862, Boroko, National Capital District Tel: 325 5380 Fax: 325 9377 E-mail: |
Greenpeace PO Box 136, , National Capital District Tel: 326 0560 Fax: 326 0560 |
is an independent campaigning organisation that uses non-violent
direct action to expose global environmental problems and to force
solutions which are essential to a green and peaceful future. Greenpeace's goal is to ensure the ability of the earth to nurture life in all its diversity |
for Humanity PO Box 3804, Lae, Morobe Province Tel: 472 0113 Fax: 472 3513 E-mail: |
The ultimate goal of Habitat for Humanity is to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the face of the earth by building basic but adequate housing |
Resources PO Box 1071, Wewak, East Sepik Province Tel: 856 1615 Fax: 856 1453 |
Worldwide PNG (HOPE) PO Box 3878, Boroko National Capital District Tel: 325 6901 Fax: 323 0419 Email: (Mr. Frederick Ugwasola) |
HOPE Worldwide conducts awareness in schools and in urban communities on HIV/AIDS, Growth and Development and video sessions and distribute materials on various programs |
3000 (Austrian Organisation for Development Cooperation) PO Box 65, Diwai Post Office, Madang Province Tel/Fax: 422 1188 E-mail: |
Supporting partners in developing countries to improve the livelihoods of their communities. |
Community Rights Advocacy Forum (ICRAF) PO Box 1104, Boroko National Capital District Tel: 325 1537 Fax: 325 1415 |
ICRAF offers legal advice in the following areas: women & children rights or human rights; natural resources and land ownership. It also has a refuge centre for women and children victims of family violence. |
Inter-team PO Box 186, Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province Tel: 532 2040 Fax: 532 1153 E-mail: |
Japan Overseas Co-operation Volunteers |
PNG PO Box 6047, Boroko National Capital District Tel: 326 1680 (office) Fax: 326 1177 Counselling: 326 0011 |
Lifeline offers basic counselling sevices through phone as well as visiting and basic training programs. It has a refuge centre for victims of domestic violence. |
Dinau Abitore Trust P.O. Box 538, Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province Tel: 532 2405, 532 1034 |
Established ensure efficient credit delivery and savings mobilization for improving living standards of underprivileged women and their families in Papua New Guinea |
Environment Foundation PO Box 300, Kavieng, New Ireland Province Tel: 984 2271 Fax: 984 2253 |
Womens Association PO Box 24, Bwagaoia, Misima Island, Milne Bay Province Tel: 643 7443 or 643 7443 |
Development Service (LDS) PO Box 291, Lae, Morobe Province |
LDS is a faith based development entity of the ELC-PNG with links to over 3000 volunteer development workers nationwide |
Environment Foundation P.O. Box 4830, Boroko, National Capital District Tel: 325 8063 Fax: 325 2917 |
NGO Centre for Leadership (MNCL) PO Box 3405, Boroko, National Capital District Tel: 311 2952 or 311 2246 Fax 311 2782 |
Provide skills in capacity development for PNG NGOs. |
Bay Ecoforestry Association PO Box 492, Alotau, Milne Bay Province Tel: (675) 6411139 |
NGO Kibung PO Box 2989, Lae, Morobe Province Tel: 472 5528 Fax: 472 5528 E-mail: |
NANGO PO Box 434, University, National Capital District Tel: 325 9758, 323 0863 Fax: 323 0863 E-mail: |
Volunteer Service (NVS) PO Box 4073, Boroko, National Capital District Tel: 325 3100 Fax: 325 8756 |
Nature Conservancy PO Box 2750, Boroko, National Capital District |
The mission of The Nature Conservancy is to perserve the plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they to survive. |
Ireland Environment, Monitoring & Awareness Committee P.O. Box 108, Kavieng, New Ireland Province Tel: 984 2115 |
Inc. PO BOX 186, Diwai Post Madang Province Paramed Campus DWU, Modilon Road, Madang, Mobile: 7348 5801 Landline: 422 0900 |
NGO PRO builds organisational and financial capacity of grassroots NGOs and CBOs through training, coaching, mentoring, peer-to-peer learning and small grants. |
Against Child Exploitation PNG (PACE) PO Box 58.72, Boroko National Capital District Tel: 320 3375 Fax: 321 4738 |
PACE PNG provides counselling and refuge to women and children as well as raising awareness and training on child abuse and commercial sexual exploitation of children. |
Heritage Foundation P.O. Box 546, Rabaul, East New Britain Province Tel: 982 1294 Fax: 982 1381 |
Pacific Heritage Foundation's main focus is on running environmental awareness campaigns, timber skill courses as well as providing a market for villagers' timber |
with Melanesians Tel: 323 4509 |
Red Cross Society P.O. Box 6545, Boroko, National Capital District Tel: 325 8577 Fax: 325 9714 |
Red Cross society is a humanitarian organization working towards improving vulnerable people’s lives |
Moresby City Mission P.O.Box 5872, Boroko, National Capital District |
To provide physical, emotional and spiritual help through practical, positive programs at the point of crisis and to develop skills and potential which will enable people to become self-reliant. |
and Conservation Foundation P.O. Box 1261, Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province |
Founded in 1986, RCF is one of the oldest national NGOs in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and is one of the first and largest dedicated to the environment, conservation and education |
Salvation Army (Development Services) PO Box 3, Kainantu, Eastern Highlands Province Tel: 537 1279 Fax: 537 1279 E-mail: |
the Children Fund P.O. Box 667, Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province Tel: 532 1825; 532 1522 Fax: 532 2737 E-mail: |
Save the Children fights for children's rights - delivering immediate and lasting improvements to children’s lives |
Pacific Appropriate Technology Foundation PO Box 6937, Boroko, National Capital District Tel: 325 8153 Fax: 325 8822 |
International Papua New Guinea (Inc.) P.O. Box 591, Port Moresby, National Capital District |
With its vision to protect the integrity of the nation, the Papua New Guinea chapter of Transparency International (TI) is raising public awareness of the adverse effects on society of dishonesty and mismanagement. With the support of its coalition partners, TI PNG aims to curtail corruption and build a just society. |
Nations Volunteers Tel: 321 1224 |
Papua New Guinea PO Box 1041, Port Moresby |
UNDP is the UN’s global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. |
Development Trust (VDT) PO Box 2397, Lae, Morobe Province |
Empowering and supporting village communities to manage their resources in ways that promote self reliance and that are environmentally, economically and socially sustainable. |
VIRTU PO Box 96, Buka, North Solomons Province Tel: 973 9613 Fax: 973 9030 E-mail: |
Service Overseas PO Box, Madang, Madang Province |
VSO is involved in partnership programs in a range of areas including Education, Health, HIV and Aids, Environmental Protection and Climate Change |
Service Abroad (NZ) PO Box 32, Boroko, National Capital District Tel: 325 4136 |
Volunteer Service Abroad promotes international volunteering for development, linking New Zealanders with people working to create positive change in their communities and countries |
Ecology Institute PO Box 77, Wau, Morobe Province Tel: 474 6218 Fax: 474 6313 |
The Wau Ecology Institute is Papua New Guinea’s oldest conservation and environmental research NGO |
Vision PNG P.O.Box 4254, Boroko, National Capital District |
World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice |
Wide Fund for Nature PO Box 8280, Boroko, National Capital District Tel: 323-9855 Fax: 323 9855 |
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an international non-governmental organization working on issues regarding the conservation, research and restoration of the environment, formerly named the World Wildlife Fund |
of Papua New Guinea (National Office) PO Box 5884, Boroko, National Capital District Tel: 325 2181 Fax: 325 6158 E-mail: |
As a worldwide movement, the YWCA in PNG is committed to empower women to advocate against social, economic and political injustices |
of Papua New Guinea (Goroka) PO Box 636, Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province Tel: 532 2867 |
YWCA Goroka's prime area of work in EHP is in the area of adult literacy |